Keep the staples, ditch the stress

Wednesday, 27 October 2021

How to build a capsule wardrobe that will last a lifetime

So, if you're anything like us, you might have been a bit too trigger-happy with your retail therapy habits over the past 12 months. Lockdown is slowly lifting across the UK, the weather can't make its mind up just yet, and our wardrobes are filled with pieces we're unsure about. Sound familiar? Yeah, us too.

It's probably time to start thinking about the essential, failsafe staples you actually need and build a capsule wardrobe that works for you. We don't believe in strict rules or formulas to follow. But rather adopting a sustainable mindset when building your capsule wardrobe by prioritising quality over quantity. In the long run, you'll be saving both time and money.

Keep reading for our top tips on how to build a capsule wardrobe with an unshakeable foundation of basic items that will see you through any occasion.

You don't have to have a number, but do have an end-goal in mind

A specific numerical count (e.g. 27 essential pieces) might not be practical to suit all your styling needs. Instead, focus on what feels right for you. If you're a capsule wardrobe purist, try limiting yourself to the space you have. Just whatever fits in your chest of drawers and wardrobe comfortably or however you currently store your clothes - with no stuffing it in! What doesn't fit, donate to charity, sell or recycle at a textile recycling point.

Shop with intention. Ask yourself:
  • Why do you need this item?
  • Do you already have something that can be styled differently to suit the occasion?
  • Do you have something incredibly similar?

Shop less overall. Consider introducing routine shopping fasts if you feel like you need a stricter structure to control your spending. Aim to purchase items that you will truly love for years to come. If you can't see yourself wearing this item in a few years time, is it really worth purchasing?

Don't take it too seriously

Ultimately, fashion is supposed to be a bit of fun and not another stressor in your life. Keep a playful mindset when building your capsule wardrobe. Be open to experimenting with new ways to build the ultimate wardrobe that works for you and don't be afraid to backtrack if something isn't working out.

A bit of decluttering might help

You might not feel like delving straight into building the perfect minimalist wardrobe without a bit of decluttering. If you feel you need a bit of help with this, check out our blog post on our top tips here.

Hit pause before refilling your wardrobe

Okay, so you've decluttered, you've set an intention for your wardrobe and realised you're missing some key essentials to create the failsafe wardrobe foundation. Before you start shopping again, take a timeout. Try living with your reduced wardrobe for a set period of time to see what it feels like to live with less to truly know which items are actually essential.

Take your new minimalist wardrobe for a test-drive

If you're unsure if you're ready to commit to the minimalist lifestyle, start by trialling it out by creating a 10x10 wardrobe to wear for a week and see how you get on. After the week, you'll know whether the minimalist lifestyle is right for you.

Be honest with your styling needs

Think about your daily routine and what you really need from your wardrobe. Don't overestimate the number of parties you may be attending on a regular basis to have a more exciting wardrobe. Are you going to be working from home? Returning to the office? Going out-out (post-June)? Do you have any big occasions coming up that you have nothing suitable for?

Write down what you need from a wardrobe and start pulling out the items you really are missing to build the ultimate foundation for your new capsule wardrobe that actually caters for your needs.

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